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Cambridge Highlands: Your Neighborhood Guide

Riverside leaves on the sidewalk

Cambridge Highlands Neighborhood Guide

Cambridge Highlands is a small neighborhood between Fresh Pond and Belmont.

Where is Cambridge Highlands?

Cambridge Highlands includes the Fresh Pond Shopping area, the park areas above Fresh Pond, and extends to Belmont.

Map of Cambridge Highlands

Cambridge Highlands Parks and Playgrounds

Blair Pond

Flanders Road

Wetland, Walking Trails.


Rafferty Park

795 Concord Ave

Playground, Little League Baseball, Basketball, Tennis, Extended Hours


William G. Maher Park

650 Concord Ave

Foot/Bike Paths, Soccer, Community Gardens


Fresh Pond Reservation

250 Fresh Pond Parkway

162 Acre Reservoir, Open Space, Walk/Bike Trails, Off-Leash Dog Area.