Buying Boston Real Estate in 2020

Is the Boston real estate market dramatically different in 2020?



Yes, things are being done very differently in real estate. Showings take more effort, planning, and PPE. This means social distancing, crowd control at showings and “open houses”, real challenges to scheduling showings.

I talk through some of these issues and techniques in an early Covid-19 real estate video here:
How are showings happening?

Virtual tours have become a more crucial piece of a marketing plan for every property.

So the experience of buying and selling real estate seems different, because the steps that we go through to show a property or for a buyer to see a property are a little more involved. We do a lot of zoom calls.

How is the experience for the buyer? There are some continuing themes that haven’t changed at all…except to be even more. Housing demand is strong, inventory is very limited, and prices are continually higher than you expect. Sometimes higher than you can imagine.

However, the housing hunt is not just even more of the same. We are seeing some changes in the housing choices that people are making.

Boston real estate buyers are shifting their choices a bit.

I believe that because people are home more, and because they expect to be home more going forward for some amount of time, they are splurging on their housing. They are making these choices differently than they might have before their work situation shifted. For some people, I believe they are making these choices as a shift in priorities, as well.

Have you been thinking about making changes in your housing situation? Have your next steps changed? Or it’s time to take you next step now?

Call us to get started!

Beacon Group Real Estate
Stephanie Ford | David Gordon


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