Once your loan is approved and closing is just a few days away, there are several important steps to finalize. You will need to prepare
Once your loan is approved and closing is just a few days away, there are several important steps to finalize. You will need to prepare
The mortgage contingency is a crucial component of the home-buying process. It outlines your commitment to securing financing for the property purchase. Specifically, you notify
Upon completing (or waiving) your due diligence, the next step is to sign a Purchase and Sale Agreement (P&S). This step is somewhat unique to
Contingencies and due diligence After your offer is accepted, you have a designated period, typically ranging from a few days to a few weeks,
Offer to purchase (the offer) When drafting an offer, you start by submitting an earnest money deposit, which signifies your commitment to the property. Your
We encourage our clients to consult with a lender about their financing strategy. This includes discussing plans with their financial advisor or identifying the sources
Once your loan is approved and closing is just a few days away, there are several important steps to finalize. You will need to prepare
The mortgage contingency is a crucial component of the home-buying process. It outlines your commitment to securing financing for the property purchase. Specifically, you notify
Upon completing (or waiving) your due diligence, the next step is to sign a Purchase and Sale Agreement (P&S). This step is somewhat unique to
Contingencies and due diligence After your offer is accepted, you have a designated period, typically ranging from a few days to a few weeks,
Offer to purchase (the offer) When drafting an offer, you start by submitting an earnest money deposit, which signifies your commitment to the property. Your
We encourage our clients to consult with a lender about their financing strategy. This includes discussing plans with their financial advisor or identifying the sources
Greater Boston Sales
Stephanie Ford
(617) 438-9714
1261 Centre St, Newton 02459