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October Home Maintenance Checklist

Pumpkins on porches, orange leaves on the curb, and that cold breeze on your skin - October is definitely here! 🎃

Enjoy this month’s harvest to the fullest, get some exercise in the brisk air, but mostly importantly, prepare your home for the winter. Here’s our monthly checklist for the month of October! Check it out.

Photo by Robin Jonathan Deutsch

Maintenance item # 1

Decorate for Halloween

First things first. This is not an option. You gotta decorate for Halloween. Start early if you want to get the most out of your decorating! Get some pumpkins from the local farmers’ market, check the garage for old decorations to recycle. Make sure to dust the cobwebs first. Or maybe not?

Local Boston Farmers’ Markets and Where to Find Them: Boston Area Farmers Markets

Whether you’re looking to have a huge lawn display, or just hanging a simple door/window decor, it pays to get an early start!

Photo by Andrea Leopardi

Maintenance Item # 2

Review your fire safety plan

October is fire safety month so it is only diligent to review or create a fire safety plan for your home.

First, make sure your fire extinguisher is in working condition and is easily accessible from your kitchen or wherever there are fire hazards. Second, identify and make sure everyone knows where the safety exits are in case of emergencies. Third, have an emergency kit ready with essential supplies and first aid.

This is in no way a comprehensive list of things to consider to make your home safer during a fire. Make sure to do  your own research as well, and set up a plan that fits your specific case.

Maintenance Item # 3

Get cold weather ready

Now that we’ve covered fire safety, it’s time to talk about being cold-ready. You’ve heard this a lot – Winter is Coming. And it is, so we better be prepared. 

To stay safe and warm in the coming winter months, here are a few maintenance items we need to do: test the sum pump, insulate the pipes, cover or store outdoor furniture and grill. 

If you have additional lawn space, make sure to winterize your yard by doing the following: Put your perennial garden to bed, stow the hose and shut off the faucet, rake them pesky leaves and do a final mowing. 

46 Eustis St. #5 Cambridge

Maintenance Item # 4

Deep clean your bathroom

And lastly, finally taking this list inside the house, you gotta deep clean your bathroom. There isn’t any special reason to do this task this month – but might as well have a clean bathroom right?

We can all agree, having a freshly-cleaned bathroom will make you feel warm and fuzzy on the inside, so let’s do it! 

Make sure to clean the shower head and clean and wash the shower curtain/doors. Refresh the dingy grout. Clean countertops, sink, and toilet. And degerm the bathroom vent. 

Check out this ultimate guide, you’ll thank us later: Real Simple | How to Deep Clean Your Bathroom in 10 Steps

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Book an appointment with us. Reach out now for more info! Call or text Elaine Goldman at 857-297-4830

The Beacon Group is a client-driven real estate team working in Greater Boston to help clients buy, sell, and invest in real estate. We provide straightforward, analytical advice, empowering clients to make successful and informed decisions. We provide our buying clients with constructive insights, allowing them to identify the right property and enabling them to make purchase decisions with confidence. Our recommendations to both buyers and sellers are specifically crafted to meet clients’ short and long-term housing and financial goals.

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